Monday 16 December 2013

SO much to do that I can't do Anything! Imelda refuses to get a hearing aid

The hearing aid has been made and Imelda has not had time to try it yet (five days).

16 December 2013

I went to the mountain today as I am sending or delivering my Christmas cards and I thought I would help Imelda out by sending his cards and mine together.

I rang him in advance so he would be ready.
'Hello Dad - it's me!'
'Me - hello me - who is that?'
'Heather, dad - your daughter!' 
'Me dad IT'S ME!'
'Right!  I thought you were one of those wretched sales people trying to sell me something.....'
'Have you got your hearing aid now dad?'
'Have you got your hearing aid now?'
'What?  Have I what?  Izabelle is that you?'

That's a 'no' then!  Everyone who knows him has been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the hearing aid so that we can stop speaking in  w o r d s    o f     o n e    s y l l - a - b l e     i n    m o n  - o  -  t o n e      because anything else and you have to say it many, many times.  If on the eighth repeat of the sentence you should happen to RAISE YOUR VOICE somewhat he will shout over you saying he cannot hear what you are saying and that you should not shout or he will not be able to hear you and you should also 'improve your diction and speak more clearly without rushing'.  

Once he starts on this lecture there is no point in repeating yourself or pointing out that if he bothered to put on his hearing aid then this may improve the issue.  You can only stand there desperately restraining yourself from picking up the nearest big stick and clouting him with it.  You are forced to listen to how you obviously mumble and speak too quietly and how you should not shout at him if he doesn't hear. Clearly it is your fault he cannot hear you.  

This is very frustrating especially knowing a hearing aid would greatly improve the problem.  He was fitted with one about 15 years ago which he lost, not surprisingly.  He had not bothered to go and get another one which is uber frustrating. He also appears to have selective hearing.  He can hear the TV but not me.  The poor kids have given up totally with him as they have tried for so long to try to talk to him and show him things they have made but he just clearly is not interested or surely he would have got a hearing aid by now.

He was fitted with this new hearing aid FIVE days ago.  I asked him, three times, where it was.  He told me he had not had time to 'play about with it yet'.  It was still in the box somewhere.  I asked what exactly had taken up his time for five days.  He said it was Christmas.  What exactly that means I don't know what would a retired person need to do to prepare for Christmas?  Every year he intends to send out his cards but never gets round to it.  Last year he brought the relative's cards round to me on Boxing Day saying it was possibly slightly late but it was better than never!  So, to date he has not written any at all.  He says he has so much to do it is getting him down.

What?  Bear in mind he is retired.  Perhaps he is so busy tidying and clearing.

Hahahahahahahahaha Haahahaha Haaahaaaa - purlease!

Here are the pics from today.
The Kitchen

Dusting perhaps?  Er no!

Cleaning that brush he refused to throw out?

Er - No!

Clearing the stairs?

Er - No!

Sorting his shoes?

Ha - a wildcard to see if you were awake.

And - No!

Imelda prepares for Christmas by switching on the lights which have been up all year.  Oh the effort.  The tinsel from 2005 was gathering dust until August when it magically disappeared along with a lot of other stuff.

He asked me if I had seen a little red plastic timer clock which he kept in the cupboard for timing eggs.  I told him I had not touched the cupboard which he was referring to.  He told me he had not seen it 'since you were messing about'.  So, five weeks of me (and my friends) clearing his bogging house for up to eight hours a day in the summer holidays every day, missing my kids and half killing myself so he could come home from hospital was 'messing about'.

So far everything he has accused me of throwing out has re-appeared (apart from the record player - ahem).  So he has to have his little niggle about a plastic egg timer.

Where did I put that big stick?

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