Monday 13 January 2014

Date for the TV showing is postponed - will update when I know.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Today I had the proposed date for the TV programme which Imelda and I are on.  This was filmed November last year and I had put it to the back of my mind what with Christmas and what have you.

So the date was February 10th on Channel Five UK.  However this has now been rescheduled - I do not have the new date yet.  I will update on here when I know.

  There is a series of, I understand four programmes;
1) I can't stop won't stop shopping.
2) I can't stop won't stop cleaning.
3) I can't stop won't stop hoarding.
4) I can't stop won't stop (something else ... you get the idea).

There are no prizes for guessing which one Imelda and I are on.

Imelda will be watching, with any luck with his new hearing aid fully installed. Although perhaps it would be better if at some points he did not hear some parts.  I was there for most of the time they were filming him and he was there for most of the time they were filming me.  I watched all the time they were filming him as I needed to translate for him sometimes and I wanted to make sure he did not make himself look stupid. When they were filming me though, he let them get on with it while he pottered around the house.  They asked me a lot of questions - many questions based on what I had written in the early days of this blog and a few random questions as well.

As I have signed a contract I doubt I should say what I was asked in advance but I can assure you I was not given the questions in advance as they wanted my genuine reactions to be on camera.  My answers therefore are genuine.  There was only one subject I asked them not to touch on and they did not touch on it so fair play.

I asked them not to mention my mother as it is obviously a very delicate subject for the family.  Especially at the moment after various conversations and discoveries since all this happened.

They did ask me what had happened to the record player - er.  It sort of met an untimely end.  This is on one of my earlier blog posts.  The record player incident did help me to feel slightly better by clearing my frustrations in a not very calm or ladylike fashion.

I had hoped Imelda would not remember the record player or even if he did I had hoped he would not discover how it met its untimely end. He does not have access to a computer so as far as the blog is concerned this is fairly safe.  Also he does not read books so in the event this gets printed I would not worry too much about this either.  However, he will see the programme, so if they leave this bit in I will be for the high jump!

I have not seen the programme and will not be able to see it before it goes out.  I know these programmes can be edited to make people out to be what they or not.  They have assured me they will not do this.  They told me the programme will be used to get a psychological insight to people who display excessive traits (hoarding, collecting, shopping or whatever).  They have promised not to make anyone look stupid.

I know Imelda will come across as a 'lovely gentleman'.  I have been told by SO many people 'Oh isn't your father a lovely man?'.  Yes, he can come across very well.  He is a right charmer when he wants to be.  Don't be fooled!  I am a little concerned though that I will come over as the total opposite - a right bossy old cow.  Please give me the benefit of the doubt here.  I had to be forceful - the house had to be cleared or he would not have been able to come out of hospital.  He just never saw there was a problem (he still doesn't). - He really could not see the wood for the trees.  If I hadn't cleared the house he would have had to go into a home.  A home would have been the worst option for all concerned.  Imelda has always been the independent sort.  As soon as you take away the independence from people, especially those over a certain age, they go downhill fast.

So, we have four weeks.  I will ensure I have a safe spot ready behind the sofa and a nice bottle of something medicinal in the cupboard.

I may book myself a little holiday straight afterwards as well.


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