Monday 3 March 2014

Imelda is Quite The Local Hero - How did That Happen?

It has been 2 weeks or so since Imelda and I were on THIS MORNING with Eamon and Ruth and on TV again in the evening with the Can't Stop Won't Stop Hoarding programme.

It was a very hectic day for sure.  Not only were we on TV live in the morning at 11:20 but I also had to fit in a shift in work in Cardiff where I was meant to be from 3:30 until 9:30pm.  I then had to rush back to see the first airing of the programme at 10pm.  I was an hour late to work but was allowed to work this back the next day.  The programme has been shown at least twice more that I know about.  It was a relief to see there was a worse case than Dad.  At least I have to be thankful he has never kept dirty food containers or any rotting food.  It could have been A LOT worse.  I am sure those of you who saw the programme will know what I mean!

I have never seen a mouse or cockroach or anything of that sort in his house.  At least his is just dry stuff'.  Had it been any worse then I am sure this story would have been a very different one.  As it was I was struggling to go in the house with all the dust.  Had their been mice, rats or damp in there I am sure I would not have been able to even go inside the front door.

Anyway Imelda has been recognised a few times around town.  The men digging up the road at the end of his street said "Oi mate - weren't you on the telly the other day?"  All the people in his church saw the programme (probably because he told them all).  The bus driver recognised him and he has had a few comments.  He seems to be quite the local hero and he is reveling in it like a pig in a **** (how apt!).

He is acting as if he is the victim here - in a "Look at me and this horrendous mess I have to live in - poor me".  Somewhat missing the point somewhere along the line I think.

In the local church people approached him with "Have you cleared up that mess yet Brian?"  He laughs. A comment like this is neither helpful nor productive,  I have nagged his for forty plus years to tidy it up - does anyone really think a comment like that will change anything?

People are giving him support and saying how brave he was to let the cameras into his life and admit to such a problem.  People tell him how it must be difficult to live like that and SO many people are telling him they know people like that.  There must be millions of hoarders suffering varying degrees of living with too much stuff around.  The difference is the other people will do their utmost to hide it.  Imelda puts it on the TV and then sits back and enjoys the attention.  Almost a "give me sympathy people I have a terrible medical condition" - this almost gives him an excuse to carry on.  It's as if now it has been established that he has a recognised medical condition it makes it OK.


Imelda is now a famous hero in his own eyes - far too busy being a super hero to do anything so mundane as tidying his house.

The house has got worse.

I would also like to point out that the programme showed the house AFTER I had already spent six weeks clearing it.

As for me - a few people in work have seen the programme probably because some bright spark changed the channel on the staff break room TV despite my efforts to turn it to a different channel the night before.  I got the odd sarcastic comment that I was far too famous to be able to work with them now.  There was a bit of mickey taking but life is back to normal again now.  Most people have been very kind about it and said I came across as extremely patient (damn now I will have to pay the bribe to the cameraman).  I have no idea how they made me come across as a saint.  The number of screaming matches I have had with him is unbelievable.  I think by the time they filmed I had more or less given up.  Imelda seems to have come across as a very sweet and well spoken gentleman.

Oh how the camera can lie!

I have to say though that none of my worries about doing the programme have come about yet.  Firstly I was worried we would get some abuse from some elements of the community - this has not happened.  I was also worried my brother would get abuse but he hasn't.  I have totally no regrets at all about doing the programme.  It was a great experience in itself.  I don't think I would have done anything differently if I could go back (other than make the cameraman stand a few feet further away on the close up shots - I do not have that many wrinkles in real life).  I am very glad I did not listen to my various friends and relatives who suggested it may not have been a good idea.  When I tested the water by putting my plans on facebook my friends were all really positive.  My relatives were the ones who tried to warn me off, this was more worrying as they are the only ones who actually have met Imelda and know what he is like.  Of course they said they would back me whatever my decision.  My decision was to ignore their well intentioned advice and throw caution to the wind.  I knew my mind and was fairly sure I could keep my nerves and frustration under control.  I have never had issues with nerves on this kind of thing.

So the next project is the book.

Strike while the iron is hot I think.  Apparently the Hoarder Next Door is about to be aired again with a new series.  I am going to put some things in the book which are not in this blog - a few revelations and written in book style not blog style.

a taster of the book is on

It is currently under a psudonym Izabelle Winter - the intention was to protect those mentioned in it.
However Dad has never read a book, ever that I am aware of and the fact I wrote it will not make an ounce of difference.  As his case is already out there with names and all, there is probably no point in hiding my identity.  I will probably just tell him about it.  This will likely just go over his head as well as everything else I ever do which he does not consider to be his concern

I do think Izabelle Winter is a good name for an author though.   :)

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