Thursday 12 June 2014

Ten months on THE BOOK IS OUT but has the house improved?

No! Absolutely no improvement at all.  I took a few months off even going round there so I could get my book finished and with help from my very fave auntie who assisted with the editing and a million other questions I had.

Now the book  is out on Amazon Kindle and Paperback in the UK and in USA
(links to both below).

The house as viewed today has changed very little since the day he fell and since the television people cleared out a whole room for him..  The stairs are cluttered again - the carpet has gone both the one fitted to the stairs and the one rolled up on the stairs.  The stairs are now bare wood - in the middle of a house. He hasn't got round to getting them sorted yet.

The living room is not improved at all and the boxes are still up to the ceiling.  the floor in my old room is now invisible again.

He said it was all getting him down - so my question ~ why the buggery bollocks doesn't he TIDY IT then. Grrrrr.  He is home all day and retired.  I asked if I could help him by taking a box or two home to sort - he said no because he hadn't sorted them yet! Hello - Dad - no I didn't say to THROW OUT (I wish) I said to SORT THROUGH. Pointless even going there!

So the book ~ Ah wondered when that would get a mention ~ Well I wrote it under the pseudonym Izabelle Winter - why? ~ I won't bore you with the details but the chance to write under a pen name and to be able to call myself anything I wanted did appeal.  I thought it sounded more authorish - OK so I get carried away sometimes.

AND... because I did not want Dad to be recognised - see the respectful daughter I am did it for his dignity and protection. - HOWEVER it appears he doesn't give two hoots anyway.  I had mentioned this blog to him - he didn't take much notice and does not have a computer anyway.  So about three months ago I mentioned the book. His comment ... wait for it ...   "Oh," he said "a book" and then asked if I had seen his cushion he had lost.

I mentioned it again today FOUR times.
'Dad,' I said 'You know that book I was writing?'
'Book!' he said ~ helpfully.
'Yes book'
'What about a book?'
'I'm writing one, I told you before, - well it is finished now and I've found a publisher.'
'Ah ~ the postman's been ~ he's late again for a Thursday'
'Dad ~ What do you think?'
'What do I think about what?'
'My book Dad - it's going to be published!'
'Yes, you said ~ Oh more bills ~ and junk mail ~ I'm registered with the CPS you know AND I continue to get those wretched phone calls too.'
'So what do you think?'
'About what?'
'The book Dad, the book'
'Yes what about it?'

It was at that point I gave up.  What exactly is the point? Was he proud? Interested? Bovvered?

You tell me!

So anyway - here are the links...

If you do get a copy PLEASE let me know what you think - If you like it please let all your friends know.  :)



If you do get it I hope you enjoy it.  Please let me know your comments.

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