Wednesday 2 July 2014

THE SOFA IS DEAD - The final hours (or the next fifty years ~ depends how you see it).

Last night, thankfully, I was at work when Imelda called round to my house with Ant.  Over two years I have worked the same hours in that place and still Imelda exhibits mild surprise that I'm at work when he visits.  He managed, yet again, to call around at 4.55 just as the bloke was putting tea on the table for the kids.  He manages to acquire the 'hungry hound' expression around tea time.
    'OOhhh ~ That smells nice... - You having tea?'
     Bloke, totally unimpressed with Imelda's immaculately timed visits, ignored him as he put the food on the table for the kids.
Imelda continued 'I've brought this towel for Izabelle ~ she said she would be able to sew it up on the edges as it is fraying somewhat.'  He handed over a craggy towel. 'It needs to be sewn before it goes in the wash or it may unravel in the machine'.
It was anyone's guess how long the towel had been in that state or when it was last washed.  I do remember vaguely saying I would sew something.  Me and my flipping mouth!  
The bloke double bagged the thing and placed it in the kitchen ~ which is where I found it after work.  I took it out of the bag and put it straight back in again.  The thing just stank of Imelda's house.  I do not want any memories of that house in my home.  
     I took the thing into the garden this morning with the extension lead and I sewed it there.  It then went back in the bag and straight over to Imelda's.

When I arrived at the house Imelda enthusiastically led me to the tree -the one he fell out of.  Underneath the tree - on top of a pile of logs was ... The old green sofa, at least it was the seat part of the sofa - devoid of the arms and back and feet oh and the seat cushions had been missing ever since it was put outside the house - he has kept them in case they come in useful - no surprise there then. Imelda had hacked up the sofa with an axe!  Well at least I now know where my mad axe-murderess tendencies come from.

It is a year in August since he fell off the ladder and broke his back - he is supposed to be taking it easy!

Here is the remains of the sofa under the tree no doubt where it will be for a while.  I would like to think of this as the final phase but who knows?

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