Friday 11 September 2015

The book sells its 500th copy :)

Wow!  Today I have reached a landmark with the book 'Diary of a Hoarder's Daughter' and 500 copies have been downloaded or bought as a paperback.  This does not include any kindle member free deals or promotional free copies.

The thing which has surprised me is that it is selling even better in USA and the blog has stretched as far as China, Australia, Canada and a little country by Japan that I can't even pronounce.

I'm very chuffed with this figure and have finally decided to expand from Amazon only to Goodreads, Lulu and various others - providing I can work out the formatting issues.  I've never been an expert at the technical stuff where computers are concerned, preferring to hit my pc with a big stick and cross my fingers.  I spent about three hours last night trying to re-size the pages to fit in with the required different book size criteria.  I needed to amend my page sizes by about .83 of a cm which, apparently makes a HUGE difference to how the book looks.

Hopefully it is now done. :)

Although the book has sold that many copies and even more in free promotional copies, I still note I only have 12 reviews which kind of confuses me.  I guess it is one of those things nobody ever gets round to.  However if you have read the book and you liked it, please leave me a review, I would be ever so grateful and I really do read them all.

I have had lots of emails from readers as well which is lovely.  People seem to be suffering in silence, too embarrassed to seek help or tell anyone about the issues they are facing.  It is strange how human emotions can all follow the same lines and people tell me how the book has struck a chord with them.

I enjoyed writing the book and of course it was extremely cathartic for me as well.  I am still trying to get book 2 written.  This one will be fiction and so I don't want to give too much away but rest assured there will be a hoarder featuring in it.

Imelda is still going strong.  He wantes me to go and fix his PC as it has some issue where it is trying to connect to a proxy server - whatever that means.  He only has one house, one computer and one internet service provider so I will have to go round and call the ISP to see if they can help. It is probably just a quick thing but even with my limited pc knowledge it is easier I call them than him as if they asked him to click the mouse he wouldn't have a clue.  I only hope I don't have to stay in there too long or I will spend the following day sneezing and wheezing.  Of course I will have to find his phone first...:)

1 comment:

Siska said...

Izabelle, I encountered your book because I recognise that I myself am a hoarder and my condition has certainly worsened this last year, so that I have started to become reluctant to invite people to my home.
I was searching over Google for self help. Was wondering whether there was a diary of an erstwhile hoarder who sorted the problem out by herself or himself.
I live in Vienna. My mother was a tidy and organised hoarder. None of my children, who live in England, are Hoarders.
I really warmed to you throughout the book and feel so sorry that your mother and you had to live with this problem.
I found your book very readable, empathetic, down-to-earth and respectful of your mother, father and yourself. I noticed you mentioned your husband very rarely. Did he support you through this time? Was it his understandable desire for privacy?
I would love to hear from you and would be grateful for links to other hoarders and hoarder forums. I've noticed like you that most hoarders are in complete denial.