Sunday 21 February 2016

Two and a. half years on and I still get blamed for all that is wrong with the world

Two and a half years after Imelda fell from the ladder and I am still being blamed for everything that is missing.

Recently Imelda wanted me to go to his house to help him with his laptop.  I remain convinced he still is not 100% sure of the difference between a User ID and a Password.  I have to regularly explain 0 and o and O are not the same and how to get a capital letter.

I spend many hours trying to explain to his the basics.  For example if he has a new site he wants to looks at and I say 'put your pointer here' he tries to move it with his finger.  I have lost count of the number of times I tell him his laptop is not a touchscreen.

Sometimes some people should not have computers and I believe he is one of them.

Almost every visit I am asked stupid questions.  For example today he was looking for some password he had written on some scrap of paper and he said 'By the way, when you were throwing stuff away did you throw away a letter from so and so?  I know you probably didn't mean to throw it away, only I can't find it.'
Clearly I do not need to remind him his house is not the most organised on the planet.
'NO I didn't!'  I get so mad when he asks me this regular question.
'I know you didn't MEAN to throw away any letters, but you may not have realised...'
I really get wound up by this.  I've lost count of the number of times I have told him I went through EVERYTHING - every bit of paper sheet by sheet to make sure there was nothing remotely likely that he may want to keep (or be justified keeping).  Every holiday brochure from 1979 I flicked through its pages to make sure he had not kept some share certificate between the pages.  Every apparently empty envelope (and there were hundreds), I checked to see there was nothing inside.  Every BOX full of Lidl catalogues (why?) I went through each one to make sure...

SIX weeks all through the summer holidays I was there for up to eight hours a day often by myself sitting in his garden sorting through MOUNTAINS of junk.

There was more than enough pure junk to throw out and anything I was even slightly doubtful as to its use was kept. Every letter from the last 5 years was kept and every letter from further back which clearly was not a circular was kept.

I had a car full every day - full of old jars and bottles and old plastic bags, bits of wire, old socks, bits of old shoes, empty boxes, clothes belonging to my late mother who passed away 20 years ago.  His attitude drives me totally batty he clearly has NO IDEA.

He has also hoarded back to the level it was 2 years ago.  He has not had the stairs carpet replaced because there is so much stuff on the stairs there's no room for a carpet.  The carpet upstairs on the landing is threadbare.

Last week he said had I thrown out all his left shoes. - He really believes I went round as some sort of joke sorting all his hundreds of right shoes from the left into piles of left and right shoes and then throwing out one pile,  I can't believe he is mentally stable.

He also accused me of throwing out his kitchen plastic egg timer and his Mrs Beeton's cookery book.

I will update more when I have calmed down...

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