Monday 13 November 2017

Kids making SLIME in their Bedrooms and knitted charity chicks.

Kids making slime in their bedrooms. Give me strength!

I have twin girls who live in my attic - don't get the wrong idea, the room is a proper bedroom but each time I go up there the level of junk, rubbish and cuddly toys has become out of hand. Although I officially withhold their pocket money until their room is tidy, in reality they get me every time with the old chestnut "Mum, Sophie is at the door asking for me to go out - can I have my pocket money now pleeeease and I PROMISE I'll tidy my room later." Yeah Right. What actually happens is they come home tired, go to bed, and the weekend turns into Monday which turns into Friday and more mess has built up and they play the old pocket money trick again.


So today I went up there, black bag in hand and dragged a fair few Cadbury Heroes from behind the headboard, seventeen socks tucked behind the bed. I then discovered these little gems in a box. They are crocheted ducks which the local hospital sell at Easter with a small Cadbury's egg inside. Why in the name of all that's holy does any kids need 37 of them?  THIRTY-SEVEN bloody knitted chicks. As she only gets £5 a week pocket money, how on earth did she get this many?  I suspect by swapping whatever with fellow pupils in school.

We then get to the corner of the room to be confronted by half a million of these little polystyrene balls. Ye gods - a whole bag full of them the size of a large bin bag. As I lifted up the clothes on top of them I was encased in a blizzard of the damn things and more as I lifted the bag up.  Why? Apparently they bought them to make slime. SLIME! WTF - WHY? It was at this point I discovered where eight of my Tupperware containers had disappeared to from the kitchen. - various containers with dried out gunk stuck all over the inside. It seems bicarbonate of soda, and eye drops and heaven only knows what else is the ingredient for this horrendous mess - oh and the polystyrene balls.  Just WTF. It's all over the carpet and the table, it's dried up and now solid. I also suspect it was the cause of my blocked sink drain a few months ago.

I'm NOT HAPPY. These stupid and expensive crazes drive me nuts.  I'm all for them being creative of course but why a bin bag full of damn polystyrene balls to make a small pot of slime?  Why do I have to spend about £30 on shite so they can ruin a further £30 of household items to make slime plus the guy to unblock the sink. The damn stuff is available ready made in shops for £2 a pot - and they've already wasted their money buying a pot in each colour.

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