Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Elephant Abstractions quilt by Violet craft. My 2nd attempt

I love quilts and quilt shows and all that creative stuff. However, sewing zillions of triangles together is not for me. Too fiddly and bitty and I like to create something different. I love elephants and was mesmerised when I saw my first elephant quilt, about 6 feet high at a quilt show. I came home determined to track down the pattern. I checked Pinterest and found loads of similar elephants in different colours. I'm all for that. Make it your own I say. The pattern is by Violet Craft and is called Elephant Abstractions. the pattern is about £30 for a printed one or less for a downloadable one. I got the printed one and put it on my shelf at home for a month or five. Then one day I got the urge and started. I'd never done any paper piecing before. u asked on FB if friends had advice. They wished me luck. one said I should start small if.id never done it before. I said "Hell No! In for a penny, in for a pound." I got right stuck in. Once I'd started I kept going night and day. It took about a month all in. The pattern comes printed on both sides of paper so I traced it on A4 coppier paper. some.bits were too big so I sellotaped paper together. I learned by my mistakes, of which there were many. Finally Pink Elephant was complete. I love him.

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