Wednesday 3 March 2021

The MOST frustrating dad in the Universe - and he's all mine!

  I'm sitting here truly believing I must have been a very, very evil person in a previous life. I can think of no other explanation, other than perhaps this life is a test in some way, why I have the most frustrating father in the entire universe.

Last Summer, my father mentioned to me that he was struggling a bit to pay his council tax of about £1200 a year, He is 90 and he lives with my brother who has autism and can't find a suitable job. My brother has been claiming Personal Independence Payment for about 16 years. I said I thought in their case they should be entitled to some form of reduction on Council Tax. I said I would look into it on their behalf as my dad aged 90 has no clue how to use a computer and my brother wouldn't be able to fill in the forms or apply by himself.

I searched the internet and it indeed appeared that they are entitled to a council tax reduction of 25% due to my brother's autism. First I needed a form to be filled in by both the applicant and the doctor. This needed to be printed. I had no printer ink. I went out and bought some ink and printed the form. I then needed to get it signed by them but we were in lockdown. As neither my brother or father have any social distancing capabilities, I posted the form to them as this was safer. I also sent an authorisation letter that the council could deal with me for him to sign

A week later I rang them to see if they'd had it - 'It's around here somewhere' was the reply. I pointed out it needed to be returned to me so I could put in a covering letter to send to the GP for his signature.

A week later I chased them. It appears they'd lost it - they will look again.  Instead I printed off another one, wrote another authorisation letter and posted it. This time they signed it in one of the four places I starred it and returned it.

I printed off a third one and bought some bright orange post-it notes and posted it again. Two weeks later I don't have it back - apparently they have been very busy! I pointed out I wasn't doing this for me. Finally I tell them to sign it and I will come by and pick it up. I know this is probably against the lockdown rules so tell him to put it in an envelope. When I turned up, there was a mad scramble to find it. After 15 minutes it's found. 'What are these orange scraps all over it?' he says. Finally he signs it, I add my own covering letter and post it to the doctor.

With lockdown and Christmas, the doctor keeps it for four weeks as they are busy. Finally they call me to tell me it's ready and there is a £10 fee for the doctor's signature. I finally get the letter sent to me, add another covering letter and send it to the council.

After 6 weeks I call the council to see if they have it. Lockdown has caused a 6 week delay they say but they will let me know when they have it. My dad keeps telling me meanwhile that he's not heard anything.  I tell him I'm going as fast as I can.

Today I had an email from the council - they have processed the form and will be giving him a 25 reduction BACKDATED 14 years. Amazing news. I'm thrilled. I phoned my dad to give him the news.

conversation as follows:

Me - 'Good news Dad, I've heard from the council and you will be getting your council tax refund.' 

Dad - 'Good, it's about time, I should get a discount surely'.

Me 'As you know, I've been fighting this on your behalf for many months. So finally they will be not only giving you a reduction, but backdating a refund as well. The reduction is due to (my brother)'s disability...'

Dad - 'What HE will get the discount...'

Me 'No YOU will get the discount because you pai...'

Dad 'Why should HE get the discount when I paid it?

Me 'No, Dad YOU will get the refund but it's because HE is entitled to the reduction.'

Dad 'Of course we should get a reduction - this is ridiculous!'

Me - 'Dad, you will get a reduction and because of my letter they will be refunding it and backdated too.'

Dad 'But I should have a reduction, not him!'

Me ;Dad, that's why I'm calling you. They have agreed to the reduction being backdated and you will have a refund.'

Dad 'Right.'

Me 'So they will refund you about £...'

Dad 'I need you to contact the Post Office for me as well. They have given me a refund for the time my line was down but they have only refunded me £8.47 as they say it was 4 days but it was actually almost seven days...'

Me (This was another case I fought for him with many, many letters, calls and emails and again having to get a letter of authority from him so I could deal with it). 'But they gave you a free two month's broadband, £30 off your new phone and a £50 payment for inconvenience/gesture of goodwill.'

Dad 'Yes but they only refunded me for 4 days and I want them to know what happened.'

Me 'I spent about 2 hours over the week explaining to them what happened and this is why they gave you the refund...'

Dad. 'Well good, look I am about to go in the garden, can I call you this evening on the cheaper rate?

Me 'I called you to give you the news. I thought you'd be pleased. I've been fighting this for you for months.'

Dad 'Yes, right, good for you, look I need to get into the garden before the rain comes..'

Me 'Right, You're welcome!'

Dad 'What?'

Me 'You're welcome!.'

Dad 'Oh I'm welcome am I? Haha, Right, so if there's nothing else you want to tell me I'm going to go in the garden and I can call you later.'

I mean a simple thank you would have been nice. I estimate he will get a refund of well over £4000 and no thanks at all. Why do I bother? 


Unknown said...

I can hear him saying these things. Well done he doesn't deserve you !
Linda A

Grannyjen said...

He certainly doesn't. I should most certainly be Doing Time for him by now.
Your Aunty J and SpareMam