Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Day After The Record Player Incident.

My elderly neighbour approached me today, somewhat cautiously, and inquired about my wellbeing. This was a bit strange I thought.  Autopilot told me it was probably best to tell her what she wanted to hear.
'Fine thanks' I said - I even managed a cheery smile - probably more of a grimace but the thought was there.
'Oh' she said, 'only I found this by your car and thought you may need it.' She produced the arm from the record player I'd kicked to death down the street after the gammon incident a few days ago.  I'd thought nobody was watching but I guess it may have made a bit of a noise at the time. It had been dark-ish and the red mist had descended.
'Oh, er thank you' I said, smiling sweetly.
She stared at me. 'Are you SURE you're ok?'
'Oh ha ha' I said realising she'd seen me arguing with the record player and probably was thinking I was a closet axe murderer or something (a fact which has never been proven I may add).  'That stereo was too small to fit in my car so I had to break it up - see the boot is teeny weeny'. My cheesy act was not convincing her.
'Ok', she said, sweet old dear that she is, 'Well if you need anything dear...' and she took several steps backwards before walking briskly back to the safety of her house.  Perhaps I imagined that I heard her slip the bolt on the door after she was safely inside.

I asked the kids if they fancied going to Grandad's house today.  They all said an emphatic 'NO'.  I can't really blame them.  They did try going round there on Monday but they got so bored, every five minutes I'd hear something falling from inside the house and have to go investigate and clear up the mess.  The bloke is out all day so I'm stuck in my house in (relatively) tidy comfort.  This blog gets it out of my head and onto paper.  After I have blogged it all out I am free to relax.

Above is a picture of the stairs taken today. The roll of carpet has been there since at least 1977 when it was bought to be put in the upstairs bedroom (which has never been clear enough to get a carpet down).  The carpet is disintegrating and full of moths and dust.  Note also the Christmas lights.  These stay up all year partly because he doesn't get round to taking them down, partly because if he did he'd lose them.  His solution - leave them up all year and only switch them on at Chhristmas. Simples!


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