Friday 27 September 2013

The Hoard is Creeping Back In.

27 Sept 2013 - Friday

He is at it again..

I went to see Imelda at the mountain today.  I took him some more pies I had of his in my freezer and a few bits and pieces I had sorted and which were now cluttering up my garage.
Before the big clear ..

The same room after the big clear

I took the bits up to my old bedroom (see above) which was 90% clear the week before he came out of hospital.  It now looks like this

In the room now is a vacuum, some suitcases, boxes, lots of florescent light tubes, an old iron bed frame (it would not fit in the car) a few boxes of 'stuff' and of course the old faithful carpet which was bought new from the shop in about 1977 and lay undisturbed in a roll up the stairs ever since - until a week or so ago when it was moved to the room pictured above.  When it was moved and folded to go into the room it 'cracked' - the rubber backing had virtually solidified and once moved it exploded a cloud of rubber dust everywhere.
Imelda is now thinking of putting it in my brother's bedroom.  Oh for goodness sake - the thing has flowers all over it and a design which was made, and in my opinion should have stayed, back in the 70's.

Also in the room was a flat pack small chest of drawers.  This was not there when we cleared the bedroom.  I asked Imelda where it came from.  He told me it had been in the garage.  I do actually enjoy putting these together - yes really - and so like the wonderful helpful daughter I am, (ahem) I offered to do this for him.  I wanted to show him I could actually do something equally as well as he could, in fact, probably better as I have done many of these recently and quite regularly. After a year studying carpentry and wood trades in college I also have a BTEC carpentry diploma with a distinction pass.

I set about the task.  I took all the bits in the garden where the air is fresher.  I asked Imelda if he had a hammer (because I saw there were pieces of dowell and plastic drawer runners which had to be gently tapped in).  Imelda said 'You don't hit screws with a hammer!'  I let this go. You would have thought, being my father, Imelda would have realised I have slightly more common sense than this.  However, I accept he does not ever listen to a word I say and he assumes as I am his daughter and therefore female that I am clueless about everything.  

He was hovering about too much so I told him to go and take the dog for a walk.  He went.  By the time he returned 15 minutes later I had got the main carcass of the chest of drawers assembled and three of the six drawers.  The drawers were very tight and the thing did not go together as easily as it should.  I asked him how long he had had the chest in the garage. 'Oh about seven or so years' was the reply.  
So he had kept this thing for seven years (translates to about 15 years) in the garage.  A wooden flat pack drawer unit.  The thing had warped itself  into an interesting shape.  I was, however determined I would get it together.  I did this and completed it within 45 minutes, although the drawers are very tight.  I am hoping it will warp itself back once it has been in the house in the warm a while.

I have noticed the stairs have started to accumulate junk again - take a look at this..

The white bits are either pipes, conduit or trim.  I put them in the garden during the clear out and as they were plastic there was no urgency to bring them back  in.  They could easily have gone in my room but Imelda has preferred to put them on the stairs.

I refuse to tidy anything away at the moment as the Channel five programme will be filming next week and they need to see it as it is not how I would like it to be.

This is before I touched it.

This is after I sorted it.

This is it today

It didn't take long.  I am telling myself I do not care any more.  If he wants to live in a pigsty then that is his choice.  I will almost certainly sneak in when I know he is out and clear out some more stuff.  I will sneak in, fill up my IKEA bags, load up Oggy and sneak home before he even has time to realise I have been in.  My reason for this is 
1) I have found lots of interesting stuff in there belonging to my mother including some of her diaries.  I believe there were more and want to find them.
2) I have a vested interest in the house.  Keeping all that rubbish/weight in an upstairs room is not only a strain on the floor but it is a health hazard and more importantly a fire hazard.
3) One day when he climbs the great ladder (and does not descend as fast as he did the last time) then it will be down to me to do it then.  I therefore may as well save myself stress and time then and start now. 
4) The part which I intend to start on is my mother's side of the room which has been under a pile of junk since she went into the mental hospital in about 1985/6.  I could find anything in there.

Back home now giving trouser a hug.  He is still having an extended duvet day.  He will be hungry tomorrow so I had better go mouse shopping.



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