Wednesday 2 October 2013

Action Day 1, The Paperless Office and Drugs Double in Price Overnight.

02 October 2013

A day with good and bad

Yesterday was not a good day.  For once Imelda had nothing to do with it.  I was working last night.  I work in a call centre 24 hours a week as a Customer Service Manager. A 'lady' caller (I use the term loosely) told me to - er well I won't stoop to repeating it here but if I say she told me something along the lines of "Go forth and multiply and see you next Tuesday", you may just get the idea.

As if that wasn't bad enough, worse was to come.  The shop next door to the office which have had Galaxy Bites at £1 for the past month or so have just doubled their price.  Typical drug dealer tactics if you ask me - get somebody addicted and then put up the price.  The number of bags I eat a week corresponds to the number of nights I work.  Last night, for this reason, my whole day was ruined.

Today I was due at base camp for lunch time as Imelda has been asked to help with a TV programme about hoarding.  The camera chaps were due to start filming today.  Before they came I got the idea from telephone chats that they were a bit worried that as I had spent so long clearing up that the place would actually be clean! Ha ha ha ha.  How many millenniums do we have?  When they arrived at base camp their fears were allayed and they spent some time chatting and looking around the mountain.  Imelda, bless his cottons, had done more tidying up in one day than in the past twenty years.  The stuff he put on the stairs last week had magically disappeared.  The vacuum was out so it looks like it may have been considered for its bi-annual exercise. The kitchen table was clear and Imelda had put a towel over the pile of junk in the bedroom as if to disguise it.  Bless!


They decided to film Imelda in his office.  They found a chair in there and Imelda sat in it quite pleased with himself.  The only problem was that Imelda is deaf as a post and although he is well aware the programme is about hoarding he seems to think people would be far more interested in his life history.  When asked specific (and in my opinion both good and interesting) questions about his hoarding and his opinions on things he waffled on and on about his hobby (DIY) and his other hobby (more DIY) and his other favourite subject (himself).  He is hard of hearing and I have no doubt he did not fully hear all the questions.  However, instead of asking for the question to be repeated, he waffled on with an answer corresponding to what he thought the question may or should have been, even what he would have liked it to have been. His answers bore little or no resemblance to the actual question.  I think they were looking for about 20 minutes of footage which, for the final edit, at a guess will be about 4 minutes.  Imelda chatted for 82 minutes.  They will have their work cut out editing that one.

The paperless office has not yet caught on here.

I pointed out my concerns and am fairly confident they will not broach or ask questions about certain aspects which I would not be comfortable discussing.  This builds confidence.  I have asked if they may let me mention this blog.  Fingers crossed.

Imelda is aware I do this blog as he has been told many times.  However as he does not know what a laptop is and still thinks that if my telephone is engaged when he calls me it means the kids are on the PC. I don't think he will have any interest in actually reading it.

Tomorrow they are coming back to film a bit more and to ask me some questions.  I would wear my Sunday best but as I think they want me to get stuck in at base camp then jeans will have to do.

I may even nip to the shop on the way to base camp for some Galaxy Bites to keep my spirits up and to Hell with the expense.

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