Thursday 3 October 2013

ACTION:Cameras Rolling, I look a Right State and Dodgy 'Curtains'.

03 October 2013

Cameras rolling and Imelda is on form...

Today was day two of the cameras filming at base camp.  It would appear Imelda has impressed the producers and they believe he is quite a character.

I had made the effort to look a bit gorgeous but failed miserably.  I heard the cameras make you look like an albino snowman on a foggy day so in an attempt to look human I recovered the slap from the back of the drawer.  Why is it my attempts at looking gorgeous make me look like a tipsy drag queen?

They wanted a bit of footage of me as the 'clearer upper' and for the opinions of the relatives part.  I was OK with that but they caught me when I was wearing a very foxy white dust-suit and a dust mask.  Hopefully it will provide some level of disguise.

They threw a few 'unexpected' questions at me but only about incidents I have put on the blog already.  Possibly I gave away more than I would have done had I been able to think about it first - I don't think Imelda will read this blog as he does not have a PC.  If he does manage to get it printed off somehow I am prepared for it so that is fine.

While they were interviewing me, Imelda was rustling about loudly.  Amazing! - for the first time in thirty years it appears something had motivated him to clear up and throw out.  He was caught bringing a huge bag of rubbish downstairs.  I don't know if he had engineered the scene and taken the bag upstairs beforehand but it did look hopeful. I am not sure if it will last.

I did try to clear a bit while I was there but this is almost impossible when he is around.  I picked up a box of old Christmas crackers and bits of string and managed to sneak them into the car.  I wanted to recover my Ikea bags from the house before they became absorbed into the mess and became part of the mountain.
Imelda saw me taking them out of the house 'What's that you've acquired?' he said (as if I had just stolen them from him).  I told him they were MY bags which I had bought with MY money and had taken there and was now taking them home again.  He wasn't convinced.  He has never been to Ikea in his life so I don't know how he thought they got there.

I have my eye on a huge pile of rubbish though.  Next time he is out they will be out.  I did take a pile of papers and rubbish out of there in the Ikea bag but he intercepted me and started looking through them.  I gave up the idea and took it all back in again in the hope he will forget about them and I can get them another time.

I also found some rather nasty rags while they were filming.  I picked them up as you would pick up a dead mouse between forefinger and thumb.  Vile!  Like some rags which had been used to clean up an explosion in a vomit factory - at least they could go in the bin.  I started putting them in the bin and Imelda appeared and piped up 'Ah, you've found my new curtains!'

The curtains.

You couldn't make it up!  I have never seen anything quite so vile in my life.  Why anyone would want to hang them up as curtains is anyone's guess.  Perhaps it is an age thing but if ever I decide anything like that is a good idea it is time to shoot me.

Straight home from there, quick wash and off to work.  Any hope of a quiet night were dashed as the run up to Christmas has started so it was very busy.  I am not sure if there is a full moon tonight as it has been raining all day and is cloudy but judging by some of the calls I had I would think it must be.


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