Tuesday 15 October 2013

Will He Let The TV Company Clear The Hoard? Would You?

15th October 2013

Will he or won't he?

It has been about four days since I passed over to Imelda the idea of him having assistance to help in sorting out the house.  The TV company who have been recording him for a hoarding program have put forward the possibility of him letting a 'professional' de-clutterer come round and clear some space in his house so he can live like a normal person.

These are my sock monkeys - I am not hoarding them!
(I thought they would add a bit of colour).

I asked him to think about it and not to feel under any pressure.  I said whatever his decision was OK with me.  It has to be his choice.

It is interesting that of  my mates I have mentioned this to, half think it is a marvelous idea, others are horrified.  I guess it could go well or it could go totally belly up.  My view is the worst that can happen is that everything comes out and then goes back in again as he cannot bear to part with it.  However, should this happen, at least it will all be put in in an orderly manner.  While the stuff is out the room can be hoovered and there may well be buried family treasures in there - heaven only knows what they will find.

 Imelda is thinking about it.  Perhaps the best way would be to erect some form of secure temporary building in the back garden where things can go and get sorted.  Imelda thinks it will take about three weeks.  I think they will more likely want to be in and out in a few days.  I will have to do more questioning before a decision is reached.

I do realise that there could possibly be some not so good repercussions after this sort of thing.  Of course I do not want the programme to be a humiliating experience for him.  I can see that his reaction will be highly interesting,  however, I do not want it to be too stressful for him.  He is 82 after all and I have already lost one parent to mental issues.  Also there is my brother to consider.  He lives in the house too and he may possibly get upset by the room being turned upside down.

So a few sleepless nights wondering what is the best for everyone.    On the good side I may find my mum's sewing machine and some more of her diaries.  On the bad side they may create so much dust I will not be able to go in at all.

So on the plus side I have taken a few days off from the mountain.  I have been having a few busy days making sock monkeys.  I have a few 'crafty episodes'.  I sometimes take a stall at Christmas with a friend of mine from school and last year I found my sock monkeys were quite popular.  I have been increasing my stock levels of these and so you can see from the photo.

I am not hoarding them OK!

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