Saturday 13 September 2014

Imelda and his laptop - Caveman in the City!

Well Imelda has had his laptop now for about a month.  During the month I have had a few phonecalls from him asking me things like how does he read his 'postmails'.  I have explained he should have different passwords for different sites but this confuses him.  He thinks one computer one password.  For now I have changed all his passwords to the same one which he gets. So far so good.

So yesterday he tells me Ant (my brother) can't get his 'postmails'.  Ant has a pc but it has stopped working - not sure why yet - this requires another visit from me - Ant is not able to tell me if it is not working at all in that the thing will not turn on or whether it will turn on but he can't get access or what - entirely different problems.

At this stage I would point out I am no computer expert - in fact I consider myself to be a bit of a technowally.  I can get emails, surf the web and basics but even things like organising files and suchlike will fox me. However as is often the case you don't actually realise how much you do actually know until you find someone who knows NOTHING - or in Imelda's case has lived in his own little cave in his own little universe for so long that the concept of not having to plug something in or not having to measure a lead on something as part of the buying process is beyond comprehension.

Imelda said 'Ant can't get his postmails.'
'Does he have the right password?'
'I think so.'
'What is the error message?'
'Well he can't get in'
'What does it say on the screen when he tries?'
'Well I don't know, that's what I'm saying - he can't get in!'
'So can he sign into the computer at all.'
'Well no - he can't - thats what I am saying to you.'
'What happens after you turn it on?'
'It says user is not recognised.'
'Dad, that means he has put the wrong user name or password in.'
'well yes - he can't get in.'
'But Dad - you said the computer wouldn't work.'
'Well yes, whatever - he needs his postmails you see.'
'Dad - if it's YOUR computer you will need YOUR password'
'Yes but its Ant's postmails he needs.'
Oh God!
'DAD - you need to sign in to YOUR laptop with YOUR password as it is YOUR laptop.  Then you can let Ant sign into his emails.'
'Yes but he doesn't want my postmails he wants his - don't you understand? - why can't you just come round?'
'Dad TRY to understand PLEASE - it's like an apartment block - You need one key (ie password) to get into the block and then a DIFFERENT key to get into your own apartment - do you see?'
'We don't live in an apartment! Can't you just take a look.'
Possibly when I have mended the wall I just broke by bashing my head against it.

I am surprised that he hasn't lost the laptop in that house. It is a nightmare trying to find a space big enough to put the thing on - most surfaces, once you have brushed the dust off, are on top of a precariously balanced pile of books and magazines dating back generations.  The eight televisions are still in his living room, seven of which are the old box/tube type and one is an 18" LCD screen which appears to be his main one (there was no room for a bigger one). three on the TV's are black and white. only the LCD on works.

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