Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas again at the call centre - same old, same old...

Christmas - traditional a time for giving and sharing and for thinking of those poor individuals who will not be having a happy nor a merry Christmas.  Those who have done nothing wrong and don't deserve to be treated badly. Real people like you and me.  They haven't asked to be in this situation but life has thrown them a duff card.

While everyone else is enjoying Christmas and winding down at work so they can spend Christmas with their families, these poor unfortunates are in a dark place where they are abused over and over.  They are tied to the spot by a curly wire, allowed only eight minutes each day to have a 'comfort break' and escape their torture. Forced to endure up to eight hours a day of abuse and forced against their very human urges and instincts to be polite and friendly to their abusers. Forced by fear of no longer being able to feed or clothe their families.

These poor unfortunates are otherwise known as 'Call Centre Workers' or 'customer service reps'.

As guilty as I (don't) feel for deserting my ex colleagues months ago for pastures new I am still in touch with them - they are really nice people in real life.  I met up with a few of them last week - poor souls - full of pent up anger and frustration caused by their abusers.

Those abusers are the people who call up daily because they have nothing better to do.  These abusers are commonly known as 'customers'.

Back at the call centre, my darkest memories continue to haunt those remaining there.

Two consecutive calls taken by one of my friends as follows - 1) The company had delivered a large delivery to a customer which was all present and correct.  So why did this 'lady' - I use the term loosely for I ought not to write my opinion of her. This 'lady' also received a tin of pilchard cat food. The lady had not ordered the cat food nor had she been charged for it. My ex-colleague apologised for this oversight and confirmed she could keep the tin.  This 'lady' did not want the tin and said she wanted the company to go and collect it.  It was explained to her that as this is Christmas, all the vans are extremely busy and full so the best option was for her to keep it/throw it/donate it, whatever - she had not paid for it. 'The 'lady' bellowed down the phone,
   'Listen you stupid girl - I don't want your f***ing cat food, I don't like cats and I don't want it in my house.'  #
She was offered a gesture of goodwill of £5.
   'Are you bloody deaf or are you bloody stupid?' she screamed down the phone 'I don't want it! I demand you come and get it right now'.
Sadly staff are not allowed to tell customers to stick items where the sun doesn't shine and due respect to my ex-colleague for her great restraint in not doing so.  She did, however, tell the caller to get a grip, for which she received a verbal warning.
I imagine this customer was probably last seen flying into the night on her broomstick - without the cat!

Next, a delivery van had broken down and this had an impact on the deliveries remaining on the van.
Customer "I want to know where my order is."
My ex-colleague made a few phone calls and discovered the van was broken down and a replacement was being located. This was explained to the customer who said;
"So where is my shopping?'
He got an honest answer - "I'm sorry we don't know right now but will call you when we know!"
"I'm not interested in your piddly excuses why can;t you f***ing tell me where it is SIMPLE QUESTION DARLING - Yes or No?"

Patronising twonk!

Just one day left... and counting.

Happy Christmas everyone :)

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