Sunday 19 April 2015

Can't Stop Won't Stop - Hoarding - The Documentary

Just when I thought it was safe to show my face in public again...

Can't Stop Won't Stop Hoarding - Chanel 5 UK Tuesday 21st April 2015

I am not sure who, which or how many people watched the documentary the first time round when it was shown in about April of 2014.  I had hoped that after the initial shock had died down from those who did not know about my dear old dad, that life would continue as normal, and it has done - at least until now.

HOWEVER, while browsing the TV for listings for next week it was with a gasp of horror I find they are resurrecting it.  Yikes!

I told Imelda about this.  He said it was a shame that we did not get repeat fees.  The cheek of the man.  I pointed out that I had not had ANY fees at all as the cheque was made out to him!
'Ah, er, yes,' he said, 'well I expect we can sort that out.' and he swiftly changed the subject.

The issue which concerns me most is that I have changed job since it was shown last time and my new colleagues have no idea.  That, I guess, is about to change.  Of course I realise there should be no personal shame and that this is his mental issue I am dealing with.  Being the daughter of a hoarder, however, is certainly not glamorous.  The programe shows me in my best chemical hazard suit and industrial dust mask ~ hardly my most glamorous look.

As the book had not been released last time the documentary was shown I thought I would take this as an opportunity to remind my blog followers of the book 'Diary of a Hoarder's Daughter' - written by Izabelle Winter (pseudonym used for a variety of reasons, not least to protect the innocent). Available on Amazon.  Link below.

This is a totally true story from cover to cover, although names have been changed to protect the innocent (though why I bothered when we both went on UK breakfast show 'This Morning' using real names I'm not sure).

Thanks for reading :) - Please join me hiding behind my virtual sofa with a glass of gin on Tuesday evening.

Just one other thing - if you do read the book and you like it, PLEASE leave me a review on Amazon as so far out of about 1000+ or so people who have downloaded the book, only about 21 have left a review.  Many thanks in advance.

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