Thursday 27 November 2014

Changing broadband provider. Most Definitely Not Simples!

I have decided that I am going to change my TV/Broadband/Telephone package from my current supplier because we are paying £44 a month which I think is frankly, excessive.

Being a working p/t time mum of 3 under 12's, necessity dictates I watch whatever is on the TV when I am passing through. I don't plan my viewing.  I grew up with just three channels so I am OK with this concept. I don't need any flash packages.  I've never worked out how to use the recording thing and to be totally honest in my view High Definition doesn't look any different from normal TV. Yes really.  So for TV I'll convert to Freeview.

I also want to keep my current telephone number.  This is a reasonable request.  I've had my home phone number for about seven years and it is the number I use to give to business callers and to my dad who has a hard time remembering numbers and so has programmed his phone - this took a lot of doing.  My friends use my mobile.

14.11.14 I rang my current provider of TV telephone and broadband to say I wanted to leave and to ask what the procedure is.  They say I have to give 30 days notice.
I ring a different company, who have a good current deal on telephone and broadband.  This company is a large supermarket.   I like their offer but their web site is down so can't take up the offer.  I did a web chat with someone, I assume was in India, who said to try later - this web chat was recorded and e-mailed to me.  I will try later.  I asked on the web chat if, once I took out the new package, I could delay the start date - I was told YES.

15.11.14 Went online to take out the new plan with new provider and did a further web chat to them in India.  I was unable to select a start date for the plan online so again, I asked, for the sake of confirmation, whether I was able to delay the start date to coincide with the end date for the current service.  He confirms 'Yes - this can be done by calling Customer Service Line after the order has gone through'.  He confirms order has gone through.  I have a copy of the web chat emailed to me.

Rang new provider straight after web chat and within minutes of taking out their plan. but they're closed, message said to call back tomorrow.  I send new provider an e-mail straight away (within minutes of taking out the plan) advising would like to delay start until 14/2.  Auto e-mail from new provider to say they have had email will reply within 48 hrs.

Rang current provider - closed - call tomorrow.

16.11.14 I rang current provider to cancel and advise I am giving 30 day notice. Asked them about porting number to new provider. They say new provider will have to request it from them BEFORE the current a/c is closed.  Current provider cancels the cancellation request and reinstate the service so I can keep the phone line until the new provider can request portal of the number. - If I cancel it before the request is received they will not be able to get it ported.  She says has now cancelled broadband and TV from 15th Feb. I will have to call back after I have spoken to new provider to give notice for the telephone of 30 days.  The phone line remains live without notice.

New provider send lots of e-mails to welcome me to their broadband service and a further email to say they can answer my email query if I provide address and name and date of birth this will take 48 hrs.  Rang new provider, believing this would be quicker, to advise I want their service to start on 14 Feb and not now.  I need to delay it.  They say they can't delay it - I need to take it out about 10-14 days before I need it to start. 

New provider say they will keep the order on hold and make a note so I can just call 14 days before to re-activate it (surely this is delaying it?).  I ask if it is cancelled or on hold.  They are not clear but ask me to call back 14 days before my new start date.  I ask about porting my number over, new provider say I will need to request that the number is ported over from current provider when I call to activate the new service as this is the only way it can be done.  That is IF it can be done but they are not clear about it.  I need to ask once the new service is activated.

So I cannot cancel or give notice to the current provider until the new provider send them a porting number request yet I cannot start the new provider contract until 14 days before I want it to start.

Headache coming on..

Email received from new provider to advise the router is on its way.  Decide to ignore this as I have just called them and hope they will sort themselves out.  I e-mail them for good measure.  They email me back saying to provide my name address and foot size and they will reply within 48 hours.

19.11.14  Router arrives.

Rang new provider - spoke to Adam in sales 1:40pm.  Adam says new provider MAY be able to contact current provider regarding porting the number but not until AFTER I have started the new package process which needs to be 14 days before I want it to start - they cannot delay the start date.  He said to ask about this when I call back to start the package which needs to be at the end of January - ie 14 days before installation.  I mention this process ideally needs to start 30 days before I leave the old provider (ie now). Adam is adamant he cannot do anything at the moment.

21.11.14 Rang current provider as they seemed to think it was easy for new provider to apply for the number from them.  Current provider checked - she read out a list 'we have a current porting agreement with *** ' there follows a list of providers , New provider is clearly on that list.  They just need to submit a porting request - 'This is a very simple process' she says.

Rang new provider, chap says they cannot request a porting of a number from current provider as there is no agreement between the two (despite the current provider confirming there was). They said 'It simply is not possible'.  I tell him current provider say they can - release my number but I remind him I cannot stop the current contract until new provider have requested my number.  I will need the number on the new provider line from about 14 Feb.

New provider say it is not possible at all to port the number and if I don't want the new provider contract to start then they should cancel it.  I told him I thought it was on hold until I called them at the end of Jan - when I told them I would call them - ie 14 days before the 14 Feb.  He says I need to cancel the new provider contract or it will start.

I get a little bit annoyed by now and put my foot down and politely request to speak with a manager. I am not happy it is going tits up already.  He says there is a 48 hour wait for a manager callback.  I tell him that is a pile of tosh I would like a manager now if he cannot speak some sense.  He puts me on hold 'to check something'.

Next voice is a 'manager'. Ryan in Manchester at 13:12 21.11.14 who tells me the new provider contract is about to go live and they are not able to ask for a number from current provider because this is not how it works.  He suggests I take a telephone line with BT who can take the number from the current provider, then I can change from BT to new provider as they do have an agreement with BT (no mention of the fact BT will probably only give me a line if I take out a minimum term contract with them and the potential for that going tits up too is about 99%).

I tell him forget it.  If I can't keep my number (which I ported to current provider from BT two years ago when I took their plan out) then I do not want to change. I just want to cancel.  He says he will ensure it is cancelled.

I rang current provider to cancel the phone (the TV and BB are already under notice).  As I am not taking their number to my new provider.  Current provider point out the new provider will only be able to offer me half the speed of internet I have with them at the moment - was I aware of that?  I wasn't.  Current provider offer me the same deal I intend to take with the new provider for only £5 more a month but with twice the speed.  As the kids are all on their tablet computers all the time, this makes sense.  Current provider also offer me £30 credit in a last ditch attempt to keep me.

This appears a good deal.  As I am going to have to accept i am not able to keep my number if I move, I decide to stay with my current provider.  Current provider cancel the cancellation and put it through as just a TV cancellation. 

Phew so it is now all sorted...

26.11.14  Email from new provider informing me my BB and phone are now live and welcome.
26.11.14  Email back to new provider - giving name, address, DOB, footsize and email address (I know the score now), asking WTF is happening.
26.11.14 reply from new provider asking for my  name, address, DOB and email address saying once they have this they will reply within 48 hours.
26.11.14 Reply to their reply 'you have my  name, address, dob and email address. WTF is happening?'
26.11.14 Reply to their reply to my reply 'We are sorry it is too late to cancel.  Your account is now live let us know if you want any more assistance'.
26.11.14 Reply to their reply to my reply to their reply to my reply.  CANCEL THIS ACCOUNT I do not want broadband from you or indeed any dealings with you ever, ever again.
26.11.14  Standard email from new provider 'Sorry you are leaving us - there may be charges if you have cut your contract short'.

One blown fuse...

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